October 31, 2022

Monthly News - October 2022

-pic of the month- Codecasa Conferment of Doctorate Honoris Causa

Aicon CEO Receives Honorary Award at the Italian Film Festival

Aicon is pleased to announce that it’s CEO, Marc-Udo Broich, received an honorary award during the "Gran Gala della TV" event at the Italian Film Festival held in Milazzo September 27.  The award is in recognition of Broich’s entrepreneurial skills, together with his dedication and determination which gave new life to a revered brand of Italian yachting - Aicon. And for his love of Sicily and it’s people where he chose to invest his resources and time. His passion for “Made in Sicily” is further enhanced by exclusively utilizing Sicilian materials and labour in the construction of the new luxury Aicon Yachts. 

Bayliss Building Progress

One year ago, Bayliss broke ground on a new paint facility, and since then the skyline has drastically changed! The towering 10,000 square foot building will house a state-of-the-art top coat booth in conjunction with a smaller parts booth and a prep/assembly bay from Global Finishing Solutions. This addition will greatly enhance the Bayliss finishing process and quality; a long project, but a very important addition to the BBW campus. Upon completion in early December, our new paint facility will allow us to accommodate boats up to 90' with full towers. 

Cantiere Delle Marche New Shareholders

Cantiere Delle Marche is glad to announce that on today’s date the acquisition of 100% of the capital of the company has been completed through a management buy out supported at 75% by Austrian FIL Bros Family Office while the 25% goes to the company’s co-founders Ennio Cecchini and Vasco Buonpensiere. At the same time, Ennio Cecchini former CEO of CDM becomes the new President and Vasco Buonpensiere, current Sales & Marketing Director, is appointed CEO.  Tom Schröder, own­ers of FIL Bros Fam­ily Of­fice, says: “I have an im­mense pas­sion for yacht­ing and I found out that CDM’s man­age­ment and staff share this pas­sion of mine com­bined with the com­mit­ment to build some­thing spe­cial, some­thing that has no equal in the yacht­ing in­dus­try. To­gether with Vasco and En­nio, since both of them play a key role in the share­hold­ing struc­ture, and all em­ploy­ees that will be fur­ther in­volved and mo­ti­vated in the com­pany growth, we will con­sol­i­date CDM po­si­tion in the in­ter­na­tional arena as one of the best yacht builders in the world – con­sis­tently with what has been done in the last 12 years. Our goal is to de­liver 3 or 4 ex­plorer yachts per year to Own­ers who wish to sail the seven seas and reach in safety and ut­most com­fort even the high­est lat­i­tudes, yacht that will dis­tin­guish them­selves for their ex­tra­or­di­nary qual­ity. The ac­qui­si­tion is aimed at strength­en­ing and fur­ther de­vel­op­ing CDM’s ac­tiv­ity to­gether with co-founders En­nio Cec­chini and Vasco Buon­pen­siere, true builders of the ex­tra­or­di­nary suc­cess of CDM, still at the helm of a com­pany that with a far­sighted ap­proach spe­cial­ized it­self in the con­struc­tion of ex­plorer yachts of un­sur­passed qual­ity and de­sign, real lit­tle ships in steel and alu­minium.”  The com­pany’s will be man­aged with a long-term vi­sion in mind and with the de­sire to de­velop it through grounded and prag­matic ac­tions while keep­ing all those pre­cious char­ac­ter­is­tics that made CDM be­come an in­ter­na­tion­ally re­puted player: qual­ity, ex­clu­siv­ity, great at­ten­tion to each Client in his/her own speci­ficity. Twelve years af­ter its foun­da­tion, CDM is the 12th ship­yard in the Global Or­der Book 2022 by length of yachts un­der con­struc­tion, closely fol­low­ing the largest yards and his­tor­i­cal brands world­wide.  New CEO, Vasco Buon­pen­siere, says: “What we have in mind are am­bi­tious and vi­sion­ary goals yet we know that we will get them as is in the spirit and his­tory of CDM. Con­sid­er­ing that our pro­duc­tion is to­tally sold up to 2026 and that the Value of Pro­duc­tion will dou­ble within 3 years com­pared to 2021, we will fur­ther fo­cus on our brand po­si­tion­ing, a brand that al­ready got in­ter­na­tional recog­ni­tion. CDM is maybe the only Ital­ian brand which plays on equal terms with the best North­ern Eu­ro­pean ship­yards, as wit­nessed by many Own­ers who chose CDM af­ter own­ing yachts built by Dutch and Ger­man ship­yards.”  CDM, founded in 2010 while the cri­sis hit hard the in­dus­try, thanks to the vi­sion of its founders Cec­chini e Buon­pen­siere and their pro­found knowl­edge of ship and yacht build­ing, be­came the undis­puted world leader in the ex­plorer yachts seg­ment (with just shy of 60% of the ex­plorer yachts mar­ket), be­com­ing an in­ter­na­tional ref­er­ence for the in­grained qual­ity of its yachts, their de­sign and tech­ni­cal as­pects.  “Over the years, while stay­ing true to CDM’s found­ing mis­sion, we have been able to move for­ward, de­vel­op­ing new ideas and de­signs al­ways think­ing out of the box, never fol­low­ing trends but cre­at­ing new ones,” says the newly ap­pointed Pres­i­dent En­nio Cec­chini. “Our goal was to de­sign and build the best pos­si­ble ex­plorer yachts for a grow­ing num­ber of ex­pe­ri­enced yacht own­ers, true ex­plores them­selves. When we de­cided to spe­cial­ize CDM pro­duc­tion, Vasco and I had a clear vi­sion of what would hap­pen in the yacht­ing in­dus­try and time has proved us right: that of ex­plorer yachts is nowa­days rec­og­nized as a trend.”  With an Or­der Book of as many as 13 ex­plorer yachts (with a to­tal length of 504 me­tres and a Gross Ton­nage of around 5000GT) CDM and its new share­hold­ers will not sleep on lau­rels and are com­mit­ted to give the com­pany a fresh im­pe­tus for a brighter fu­ture.

Codecasa Fulvio Conferment of Doctorate Honoris Causa

On Monday 17th, 2022, at the Grand Hotel Principe di Piemonte in Viareggio, took place the Ceremony to award the Laurea Honoris Causa to Cavalier Fulvio Codecasa, patron of the Codecasa Shipyards, acknowledging his merits for the important and incisive entrepreneurial work carried out in the international yachting history.  In collaboration with Fondazione ISYL and Navigo The Degree was conferred by Prof. Maurits van Rooijen, President of the Academic Senate/Strategic Team of Gioya (Higher Education Institution) of Malta, by Eng.Vincenzo Poerio (President of the Tuscan Nautical and Ports Technology district), with the attendance of a delegation of Malta led by the Minister Clifton Grima.  Proudly, we wish to congratulate our Fulvio for this umpteenth great success. 

Ferretti Group and David Beckham for Unicef Children of El Salvador

The David Beckham Unicef Fund and Ferretti Group have come together for a charity auction, where a magnificent, limited edition Riva Anniversario boat will be auctioned, and the entire proceeds will help protect children in El Salvador whose lives are threatened by violence.  The collaboration springs from David Beckham’s role as a Goodwill Ambassador for Unicef, a role he has held since 2005. Unicef works to save children's lives, defend their rights, and to help children fulfil their potential in almost every country on Earth.  To mark his 10 years as a Goodwill Ambassador, David set up the 7 Fund with Unicef, to support children around the world by providing better health care, education, and protection.  In El Salvador, the 7 Fund is working in the six most violent areas to help prevent and respond to acts of violence against young people. The goal is to help children go to school, to make public spaces safer and child friendly, and to strengthen child-protection services and make them more accessible.  The 7 Fund aims to provide every child in these six areas with the chance to play sport in safety, so they can develop resilience and learn vital life-skills.  Ferretti Group is committed to supporting David Beckham’s 7 Fund for UNICEF: a magnificent Riva Anniversario will be auctioned off, and the entire proceeds will be donated to safeguard children in El Salvador.  “I am so proud of my work with Unicef. As a Goodwill Ambassador and founder of the 7 Fund, I have seen first-hand the vital work that Unicef does around the world. Unicef is there every day in homes, schools, and communities, helping children realise and fulfil their potential. I am so pleased to see how we are helping children in El Salvador. The projects we support there protect the many children who live in the shadow of violence. Thank you to Ferretti Group for supporting this cause, which is so close to my heart.” said David Beckham.  Riva Anniversario is the special, limited-edition boat created by Riva to celebrate the shipyard’s 180th anniversary as well as 60 years of the iconic Aquarama. Only 18 units will be made, and one has been immediately earmarked to support the 7 Fund for Unicef’s work. This will raise vital funds for El Salvador’s most vulnerable children and raise greater awareness of their situation and the work that Unicef is doing for the most disadvantaged children and adolescents.  “All of us who sail the waves know that there is a law of the sea that we all hold dear: that you must do all you can to rescue those in danger who need help”, commented Alberto Galassi, Ferretti Group CEO. “I am grateful to UNICEF and to our friend David Beckham for this chance to support a project that can make a real difference to the lives of thousands of children and their families. There is no better way to celebrate Riva’s 180th year, and I am certain that our owners will be eager to compete for such an exclusive, iconic boat while offering hope and opportunity to so many people.”  The silent auction will be open for four months, concluding in Miami on 16 February 2023, when the Riva Anniversario will be handed over to the most generous bidder.  

Frauscher Spain Celebrating Its Anniversary

A major milestone ten years ago was the further internationalization of the Upper Austrian company with its Spanish branch. Today, as a flagship store, it serves as an entrance ticket to the Frauscher world for customers from all over the world. In the new winter storage facility, customers receive exclusive on-site service for their Frauscher boat.  The Port Adriano marina in Mallorca has been home to the Frauscher test centre for a decade. With around 440 moorings, numerous restaurants, bars and luxury shops, this is one of the most sophisticated, modern harbour in the Mediterranean region. Visitors can get to know the Frauscher range of models and arrange a test drive with the on-site sales team.  "Frauscher España is a kind of flagship store for our customers & retailers from all over the world", explains Managing Director Stefan Frauscher. "In Port Adriano, potential customers can see for themselves the magic combination of innovation, design and performance in our product range, and a test drive will get them even more intrigued." The success of our Mallorca location meant that a significant investment was now required in order to continue offering the very best service to local customers. That is why Frauscher España opened its new 2.750 sqm winter storage facility, so that even more Frauscher customers could have their boats serviced by the shipyard specialists over winter.  The service team at Frauscher España has played a key part in its success over the last decade. When you are out at sea, it is vital to have confidence that everything is working correctly and that someone has taken care of your boat beforehand. The local Frauscher team takes personal responsibility for cleaning, maintenance and servicing tasks and will also carry out specific installation or renovation work.

Gulf Craft Partners with Dubai Institute of Design and Innovation

Gulf Craft, one of the world’s leading boat and yacht manufacturers is collaborating with Dubai Institute of Design & Innovation (DIDI) as part of its on-going commitment to make the United Arab Emirates a global yachting centre of excellence.  Together, Gulf Craft and DIDI are introducing a bespoke project across the fall 2022 semester, where a studio class made up of talented students in their second, third and fourth year will take on an exciting new learning challenge: ’Create new Strategic Brand- and Design Innovations for Gulf Craft.’

Horizon FD Series Continues to Grow

The American market demand for large, high-volume yacht builds is reflected in the latest edition of the Horizon FD Series Order Book. Now available in print and online, this unique publication is the ultimate log of every Horizon FD Series built or in-build to date, complete with customization details and owner testimonials.  Volume 12 outlines the ever-increasing number of new FD Series yacht builds and sales in recent months, with the U.S. market accounting for exponential growth in new builds 90 feet and above. The largest FD Series yacht built to date the Tri-Deck FD110 was recently delivered to an American owner and will soon be followed by the delivery of the Tri-Deck FD100 to another American customer, with new orders of these models now in build for eager clients.

Pardo and Falconeri Collaboration

Cannes Yachting Festival 2022 was the perfect event for Pardo Yachts to proudly announce its new collaboration with Falconeri, refined Italian brand specialised in the creation of cashmere knitwear and the highest quality natural yarns, perfectly in line with Pardo Yachts' philosophy.  The partnership between the two brands, which continued also during Genoa International Boat Show, has led to the creation of a capsule collection: this selection of garments perfectly combines the high quality of the raw materials, which has always distinguished Falconeri, with the maritime vibe typical of the world of Pardo Yachts. The result of this collaboration, in addition to shirts and T-shirts in the freshest linen, is the must-have reversible sleeveless down jacket in technical fabric and ultralight cashmere, the brand's evergreen product.  It was indeed during these first major exhibitions that ushered the international boating season that the entire Falconeri x Pardo Yachts collection was on display at the Pardo Yachts stand.  Parallels spontaneously emerge with core values common to both philosophies. Among them, attention to detail, respect for the environment and sustainability stand out, as well as the focus on tradition and Italian style.  Whether we are talking about the finest yarns or precious wood essences, the high-quality standards that characterise the products of the two brands are concrete and tangible. The effortless luxury expressed by Falconeri garments thus fits perfectly with the iconic and distinctive lines of the Pardo Yachts hulls, recognised worldwide as synonymous with quality.

Sunreef Twentieth Anniversary

This year during the Monaco Yacht Show, Sunreef Yachts celebrated the company’s 20th anniversary. On September 30th the Yacht Club de Monaco hosted Sunreef Yachts’ anniversary reception which gathered partners, customers and ambassadors for a unique evening celebrating two decades of innovation and excellence. The company seized this opportunity to take a look back at its biggest achievements and to share some exclusive news.  The event attracted numerous guests from all over the world, including prominent figures such as former Polish president and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Lech Walesa, sustainability entrepreneur Nico Rosberg or professional explorer Mike Horn.  

Sunseeker New Middle East Distributor

Sunseeker is delighted to announce the appointment of a new distributor in the Middle East. Trading under the name Sunseeker Gulf, the distributor will exclusively represent the British motor yacht builder in the region and will be led by the experienced John Bush and Brett Noble.  Sunseeker has been a key player in the Middle East market, supplying new yachts to customers for over 20 years. The appointment of Sunseeker Gulf will allow Sunseeker to develop its presence in the UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Oman and Bahrain, with its head office based in Dubai. Following the phenomenal success of the Sunseeker Showcase in Poole and Hong Kong, Dubai will benefit from the new showcase concept that offers an unparalleled client experience.  Sunseeker Gulf will enhance a global development strategy for the yacht builder. This new appointment in the Middle East will allow Sunseeker to participate in regional events and lead-generation activities.  Sean Robertson, Sales and Marketing Director at Sunseeker, commented: “Our new alliance with Sunseeker Gulf will offer the market direct and unprecedented access to the entire Sunseeker range. Yachts ranging from 55 to 160 feet will offer prospective customers a diverse portfolio of luxury motor yachts, from the all-new and incredibly exciting Superhawk 55 to the magnificent 100 Yacht and recently launched Ocean range.”  Douglas Culverwell, Director of Distributor Development, added: “We are delighted to unveil Sunseeker Gulf as our new distributor in this critical market. Their strength and expertise will offer exceptional customer service and ample opportunity to develop our presence in the region.”  John Bush, Founder of Sunseeker Gulf, commented: “We are incredibly proud to embark on a new venture with Sunseeker. Representing an iconic brand in a growing market will enable us to develop our business in the Middle East. We are very excited to present the incomparable quality found in Sunseeker’s yachts. As true leaders in yacht design and innovation, this is an exceptional new offering to the Middle East market which sees us represent one of the most prestigious yacht brands in the world today.”  Sunseeker Gulf will debut at Dubai Yacht Show 2023 with a stunning line-up of luxury motor yachts.

Tecnorib Best of Boats Finalist Again

The Pirelli 50 by TecnoRib is amongst the finalists for BOB, the Best of Boats Award, in the category Best for Fun. Inflatable boats have only historically been finalists in the awards twice, and both were from the sleek TecnoRib Walkarounds line.

Viking Investing in Technology

Investing in technology and machinery is one of the many ways we build a better boat every day. Our new Eastman computer numerical control (CNC) cutter serves as the latest example of that commitment to our mantra, helping us build more efficiently. This automated, computerized system is used to precisely cut materials (up to 1-3/4” thick) such as foam, fiberglass and carbon fiber that are used to build a variety of parts in our boats.  Albert Uhl Jr. (son of Vice President of Manufacturing Albert Uhl Sr.) oversees the new Eastman CNC operation. Al, along with John’s team, has completed more than 30,000 computer-aided design (CAD) drawings, 400 pattern changes and an immense amount of bill of materials in just the past year.  The operation begins with Berta opening the software, selecting the part based on the BOM and initiating the gantry. The Vidir carousel feeds the materials onto the base of the machine, which uses a perforated vacuum to hold the material, ensuring a precise cut. The Eastman CNC cutter then slices and labels each part with an airbrush system, and the finished product is conveyed off the table for distribution to each department in both our New Gretna and Mullica plants.

Viking the Clam Bake

Viking Employee Appreciation Clam Bake was a huge success. “Turnout was fantastic, and it was truly a great day for everyone,” said Viking Executive Vice President Drew Davala. Viking’s manufacturing facility was transformed into a lively carnival as kids decorated pumpkins, created sand art and reveled in a host of amusement rides. Families were toured through the manufacturing facility as well as world-class yachts.  And food was abundant with burgers and dogs, roast pig, plump local clams and sweet Jersey corn. “The clambake is an annual event my father, Co-founder Bill Healey, established over 30 years ago,” said Viking President and CEO Pat Healey. “Today is all about the boatbuilders and their families.”  The annual event is planned and organized by the Human Resources Department. More than 100 managers, administrators and staffers jump in to put on a festive day for the best boatbuilders in the world. 

Viking Dealers Master Degree

Viking and Valhalla Boatworks pride itself on the amazing dealer network and the relationship. To encourage this relationship and increase product knowledge, Viking offers a Master’s Program for its authorized dealers. Recently, Bluewater Yacht Sales team members visited the Viking and Valhalla facilities for a two-day learning experience. Hosted by the Sales Department, the team from the Mid-Atlantic region began with a hands-on tour at the New Gretna facility observing each stage of production and ended the day with classroom-style learning. Day two consisted of a factory tour at the Mullica location, going over new factory improvements as well as learning the V Series build process. Bluewater’s Sales Professional Connor Hall added, “The Master’s Program is beneficial because it allows Bluewater as a company to continue our product and market education. It is a perfect way to get us geared up for boat show season and sell some boats!”

Wajer Thirty Year Anniversary

To celebrate the Wajer Thirtieth anniversary, the Dutch boat and yacht builder made a digital timeline from the hull of the first Captain's Launch to the reveal of the Wajer 77 and all the milestones in between. In the Wajer Thirty Year timeline click on the photos to view a video of Dorus and Dries Wajer, explaining the story behind each photo.

Wajer End Summer Season Travel Trip to Corsica

A select group of Wajer owners, made the crossing from St. Tropez to Corsica. A look back on an incredible journey for the Wajer owners. From a bumpy ride at sea, due to heavy winds to a breath taking helicopter ride to explore the island. From lunch on the beach to dinner in a cave. Wajer can’t wait for the next edition in 2023!

Wajer Owners Challenges 2022

Fun, competition and more fun during this year’s edition of the Wajer Owners Challenges in Ibiza and France. Teams were put to the test in four different challenges at sea. Although in France we found an unexpected added challenge in the weather conditions, it was a great day. The winners took home the Golden Flagpole.

Wider Announces Partnership with Northrop and Johnson

Wider has unveiled a partnership with Northrop & Johnson to sell two of its superyachts, a 170ft and a 210ft, that currently make up the builder’s superyacht range. Northrop and Johnson, specifically Joe Foggia as yacht broker, will have exclusive sales and management rights for the two models in North America. The partnership marks an alliance between one of the industry’s most innovative yacht builders with a world-class brokerage house. “We look forward to working with Northrop & Johnson in North America,” said Marcello Maggi, who heads up W-Fin Sarl, the holding Company that owns 100% of Wider equity. “We have found that their unrivaled expertise in yacht sales and management, coupled with a deep reach both within the industry and with potential buyers, makes them an excellent match for the vision we have for our superyacht division. Northrop & Johnson’s network is unsurpassed in the industry, and a major reason why we decided to work so closely with them. Furthermore, this agreement mirrors the one that Wider recently entered into with MarineMax, though that partnership is focused on the builder’s catamaran division.” Part of the vision Maggi mentioned includes Wider’s new facility in Venice, Italy, that is dedicated to the exclusive production of superyachts. That state-of-the-art yard is a hub for mega yachts production. All design and engineering for the yachts is also done in house thanks to the Centro Stile Wider. The partnership with Northrop & Johnson is simply a new milestone in Wider: “It’s a match that will catapult Wider a step ahead in our ambitious plans” concludes Marcello Maggi.

October 29, 2022

New Model: Maori 125ft

Maori has in Summer 2022 launched its new 125ft flagship model, a construction which began in 2019 and due to Covid19 and supply chain issues was delayed by one year, launched in Summer 2022 instead of the planned 2021.  This 38 meters long super explorer yacht comes as all the smaller models from a design of Marco Ciampa for the exteriors, with the Maori 125ft being different to the other smaller sporty Maori, in looks see triple deck, and in substance for its full displacement hull shape.  She is especially in looks also different to other super yachts, looking like a working ship from another century with a modern minimal sci-fi spin to the looks, which apart being creative offer innovative solutions; from the forward patio door which leads to the fore deck via the internal saloon, to the garage for the tenders and PWC hidden under the large aft deck, which is served by an aft waters edge lounge.  The Maori 125ft has interior designed by Pulina who presented a layout with five guest cabins including of which is an owners apartment on the top deck.  Crew accommodation is for seven in four cabins.  The Maori 125 features a full displacement hull shape with wave piercer designed by NavalHead, which powered by twin Man 1800hp engines reaches top speeds up to eighteen knots. 
Technical Data:
LOA - 38.20 m (125.4ft)
Beam - 10.60 m
Draft - 2.35 m
Displacement - 230 t, 367 gt *volume
Fuel Capacity - 38,000 l
Water Capacity - 5000 l
Accommodation - ten guests in five cabins, seven crew in four cabins
Engines - 2 x Man 1800hp
Propulsion - ZF gearbox with line shafts 
Speed - eighteen knots max, fifteen cruise, ten knots long range
Range - 4200 nm at ten knots
Hull Shape - full displacement with wave piercer
Construction - gelcoat finish with fiberglass construction
Project - Marco Ciampa, Pulina interiors, NavalHead naval architect
Certification - RINA

October 28, 2022

Sport Yacht Saved from Fire in Miami Beach Marina

A 21 meter Lazzara sport yacht with twelve persons onboard went inflames while on charter duty in Miami Beach Marina near Government Cut on Friday 28 October at around 1200 hours.  As the fire was averted the captain of the charter yacht made the guests jump in the water from the bow with assistance by a small tender who came from a nearby yacht.  Fire fighting crews rushed to the scene and saved the sport yacht from going fully ablaze, possibly living another day after an important refit.  The cause of the fire is unknown though unconfirmed news are reporting it started from a generator.  Surprisingly the guests who travelled for this retreat to Miami continued the fun on another yacht.
The sport yacht in this fire is a Lazzara LSX 75, a model the USA boat builder produced from 2006 till 2009 in fifteen units.  The Lazzara LSX 75 has interior with three double cabins, plus a crew cabin for two.  The Lazzara LSX 75 was also nick named the Quad for its innovative at the time quadruple Volvo 435hp with IPS pod drives set up, which in 2006 also made her the largest IPS pod drive yacht.  The LSX 75 was replaced by the LSX 78 in 2010.

Projects: Sirena 35M, Sirena 42M, Sirena 50M

The Istanbul Turkey based shipyard Sirena has announced its aim to extend further and larger into super yachting going beyond its current 88 flagship, which has so far sold in ten units. As a natural progression from the shipyard’s existing four models which start at eighteen and currently go up to 26 meters, Sirena aims to go larger offering more comfort, top-quality amenities and next-level cruising performance, so here comes a new superyacht line which so far includes three models measuring; 35, 42 and 50 metres respectively.  Unlike the smaller Sirena build of fiberglass the new super yachts will be constructed in steel and aluminium at the shipyard’s Istanbul-based facility, with all three featuring eye-catching exteriors by Italian designer Luca Vallebona and naval architecture by Van Oossanen from the Netherlands, with the interior designs of each vessel fully customisable to meet the requirements and desires of each individual owner.  As a consistent feature throughout the new range, Sirena’s superyachts have been specifically designed to offer owners and guests voluminous areas of onboard space ideal for socialising. Amenities include fold-out wing decks, multi-level gathering spaces equipped with plunge pools and sun-pads, as well as deck areas which have been carefully laid out for safe and convenient access by both crew and guests. Another notable feature of all of the the three super yachts in the new Sirena line can be found in their prioritisation of the owner’s privacy and comfort, which clearly feeds into the innovative layout of the new superyachts. As a truly forward-thinking company, Sirena Yachts has once again shown itself to be tuned into the desires of the latest generation of superyacht owners through its new superyacht line, listening carefully to the desires of the market and responding in kind. 

October 27, 2022

New Model: Rio Daytona 50

Launching the Daytona range for its sixtieth anniversary in 2020, with the Daytona S for small 34, Rio follows it the Dayton L for large 46 model.  A sport cruiser walk around model with easy usable deck forward to aft, and opening side bulkheads aft, the Daytona L 46 strikes an interesting balance of being of jack of all trades.  Unlike most walkaround cruisers the Rio Daytona L offers a comfortable two cabin interior with a single bathroom, bench style saloon and an utility room, located under the stairway to the cabin area.  The Rio Daytona L 46 is powered by triple Yanmar 370hp with diesel engines, which give speeds up to forty knots.  For those who want more speed Rio also offers an outboard petrol gas option of triple Mercury 450hp with engines hidden under the aft sun-pad.   
Technical Data:
LOA - 14.90 m (48.8ft)
Hull Length - 12.9 m
Beam - 4.30 m
Draft - 070 m ex drives and props
Displacement - 13.8 t loaded
Fuel Capacity - 1600 l
Water Capacity - 480 l
Max Persons - twelve
Accommodation - four berths in two cabins
Engines - 3 x Yanmar 8LV 370hp, petrol gas outboards 3 x Mercury 450hp
Propulsion - Yanmar stern drives, or triple Mercury outboards
Speed - forty knots max, thirty knots cruise with Yanmar stern drive diesel
Range - 300 nm at cruise with Yanmar diesels
Project - Marino Alfani
Certification - CE B

October 26, 2022

Stormy Weather Takes Bayliner Boat Aground in Port Townsend

A nine meter Bayliner sport cruiser ended aground during stormy weather which hit the East Jefferson County on Tuesday 25 October.  The Bayliner was swing moored in Port Townsend Boat Heaven, and ended on top of the breakwater of the US Army Corps of Engineers.  The sport cruiser was reported unattended, with no injuries being reported for this grounding. 
The Bayliner in this grounding is a a 3150 Conquest as produced from 1978 till 1980, with the model evolving into the 3250 Conquest in 1981.  The Bayliner Conquest was a sport cruiser ahead of its time, and an important stepping stone in creating the medium sized sport cruiser which dominated the thirty to forty foot US market in the eighties and nineties.

Project: Austin Parker Mahon 64

Austin Parker present the project for a new Mahon 64, a traditional yacht with modern influence designed by Fulvio de Simoni.  Since 2008 Austin Parker took a more modern cross over style on the Down East lobster boat concept, and the Mahon is a take of that revolution started with the 42 model some fourteen years ago.  The Austin Parker Mahon 64 will offer a living on the main deck, with a central galley layout, with a lower deck featuring three double cabins with three heads.  A crew cabin with starboard side entrance is to be located at midships in between the owners stateroom and engine room. The Mahon 64 will also feature a sun-bridge a top of the hard-top.  The Austin Parker Mahon 64 is powered by twin Man 1000hp and or optional 1300hp engines.  The first unit of the Mahon 64 is currently under construction receiving an order during the Cannes 2022 boat show.  Austin Parker is also currently doing final design touches on the Palma 64 flybridge version based on the same platform.

October 25, 2022

New Model: Riva Anniversario 33ft

2022 is a year of celebrations for Riva. One that marks 180 years since the brand’s foundation in Sarnico in 1842, sixty years since the launch of the legendary Aquarama, and twenty years that the mythical Aquariva has now been in production. 2022 represents an intriguing algorithm in which all these unique anniversaries converge in the constellation of Riva success stories: the result is called Riva Anniversario. A ten meter open day cruiser with magnetic appeal and a name that is a clear reference to the anniversary, Riva Anniversario is a tribute to milestones achieved with passion and determination, to the heritage of a Yard that writes the history and future of yachting on a daily basis. A limited edition of which only eighteen units are produced, the design is a eulogy to the Aquariva’s classic silhouette, expressed by clean lines and balanced volumes cleverly combined with stylistic details that are intentionally reminiscent of the Aquarama’s refined elegance.  The Riva Anniversario is the sixth version of the AquaRiva; original which debuted the model in 2000, Super which started in 2010, and the limited editions; Cento for the first one hundred units in 2006, Gucci, and Marc Newson both appearing in 2011.  This Anniversario distinct itself for the higher windshield, and mahogany like colour painted hull sides.
Technical Data:
LOA - 10.07 m (33ft)
Hull Length - 9.92 m
Waterline Length - 8.4 m
Beam - 2.87 m
Draft - 0.96 m
Displacement - 5250 kg unloaded, 6750 kg loaded
Fuel Capacity - 480 l
Water Capacity - 130 l
Max Persons - eight
Accommodation - two berths
Engines - 2 x Yanmar 8LV 370hp
Propulsion - shaft drive
Speed - forty knots max, 36 knots cruise
Range - 155 nm at cruise
Project - Mauro Micheli Officiina Italiana design

October 24, 2022

Sunseeker Super Yacht Fire in Hamilton Island

A 25 meter Sunseeker super yacht titled m/y Time Out went on fire in Hamilton Island, Queensland, Australia at around 1000 hours of 24 October.  Time Out burned out for about five hours before it was extinguished, with the fire fighting work hindered by windy weather. The yacht was reported unattended at the time of the fire, with the flames looking to have started from the main deck. The fire was contained to Time Out and did not extend to nearby yachts, with the emergency services working to save the yacht from sinking to avoid further pollution damage.  No one was injured in the fire, although some people who went to close to the yacht have suffered minor smoke inhalation.  
M/y Time Out is a Sunseeker 82 Yacht model produced from 2002 till 2007 in twenty units.  Designed by the Sunseeker design team and Don Shead, the 82 Yacht offers a four double cabins interior and is powered by twin Man or Cat engines from 1500 to 1700hp.  The 82 Yacht was replaced by the 86 Yacht mark.1 in 2007 produced for two years in only two units.

Project: Centouno Navi 16.5m Vespro

Following on from its 28m Forza and 39m Eterea projects, Italian sport and super sport yacht builder Centouno Navi, founded by designer and entrepreneur Manuela Lucchesi and naval architect Marco Arnaboldi, presents the 16.5m Vespro project, whose name translates into dusk or twilight in English.  Vespro is a fast sixteen meter sport yacht ideal for day excursions, or as a weekender for two or four persons.  The design and engineering of Vespro is all very high tech from the hull fully dedicated to jet propulsion efficiency, high-end lightweight sandwich construction with Carbon fibers and PVC foam core, and an exterior styling following the classic Open sport yacht but with a cool and contemporary edge. The sides and rear of the deckhouse are unglazed and the windscreen can retract into the coach roof for a full Open en plein air experience. The layout of the exterior aft deck is simple yet functional and flexible, with a large walkaround sun-pad and the fold-down panels in the bulwarks serve to increase the size of the aft deck and swim platform.  The foredeck is easily accessed by walkways on both sides and features another Vee-shaped sun-pad forward.  Under the hardtop is an L-shaped divan with accompanying dining table, facing sofa, bar unit, and central port side offset helm station.  A clever design solution is the the engine room air intakes integrated into the sweeping pillars which support the hardtop.  The accommodation below deck provides for a comfortable ensuite double-berth cabin forward, and a spacious lounge space with galley. There is also the option of another guest cabin behind the stairs leading below deck.  Fitted with twin Man 1200hp engines coupled to MJP waterjets, the 16.5 meter Vespro will have wide open throttle speeds up to 56 knots and a cruise of fifty knots which give a range of 350nm. The first unit of the Centouno Navi Vespro will launch in Summer 2023.

October 23, 2022

New Model: Amer 120

Amer presents its largest build to date with the new 120 flagship, a full wide body super yacht with modern sweeping lines.  Designed by Andrea Ramasco for exterior, Stefano Tini for interior, and Massimo Verme for hull and naval architecture, the Amer 120 is conceived and build to be as ecological as possible, replacing fiberglass with easier to recycle metal and plate glass windows, cork flooring is used on the aft terrace, while in the interiors, a choice was made for natural materials, such as recycled Indonesian teak, handcrafted in Italy.. The Stefano Tini interior is filled it with brightness, the light penetrating inside from the floor to ceiling windows that characterize the living dining social area of the Amer 120 main deck, which couple with the light colours, minimal, and use of eco-leather give a neutral ambiance. The Amer 120 will offer two hot tubs one on the aft terrace of the flybridge deck which is surrounded by endless exterior living space and is covered from the elements for over half of its space by the hard-top, with a second tub located on the foredeck the second more private living exterior area.  The Amer 120 offers guest accommodation for the ten with a master master stateroom located on the forward part of the main deck, and four VIP suites all located on the central part of the hull, with the three crew cabins and lobby located forward.  The Amer 120 owners stateroom offers the perfect scenography, and features a limestone bathroom; a king size bed with a headboard characterized by sinuous movements that recall the trough of a wave, and is completed by wellness area and a walk-in closet for the wardrobe. The Amer 120 raised pilot station is full of technology, with large and transverse windows, while onboard equipment on hull number one included a unique system for the identification of cetaceans and their subsequent reporting.  Amer 120 is powered by quadruple Volvo 1000hp with IPS pod propulsion, which makes it so far the largest yacht ever built that uses the Volvo IPS pod drive power.  
Technical Data:
LOA - 35.50 m (116.46ft)
Hull Length - 33.1 m
Beam - 7.40 m
Draft - 2.11 m
Displacement - 142 t medium load 150 t loaded, 250 GT *volume
Fuel Capacity - 12,000 l
Water Capacity - 3,000 l
Max Persons - twenty
Accommodation - ten guests in five cabins, six crew in three cabins
Engines - 4 x Volvo D13 1000hp
Propulsion - Volvo forward looking IPS1350 dual propeller pod drives
Speed - 27 knots max, 23 knots cruise
Project - Andrea Ramasco exterior, Stefano Tini interior, Massimo Verme hull naval architect
Certification - RINA CE

October 22, 2022

Project: Sunseeker Ocean 156

Following the success of the 90 Ocean, with sixteen units sold just one year after its presentation, Sunseeker presents the project for a smaller entry level 24 meter Ocean 156. Titled 156 as in volume gross tonnage this Ocean 24 meters project follows the philosophy of the 90 model offering a larger feeling of space than other super yachts of its size, and flexible to design options.  Sleeping eight or ten guests, the Ocean 156 offers three main deck layouts, and will feature a completely enclosed upper deck with single helm station up top. The upper deck is also asymmetric, full body to starboard and offers a Portuguese deck forward of the helm station, with this space offering a forward C-shaped dinette, but can be customized with sun pads and or spa tub options. The main deck saloon will have all around panoramic views owed to the full height and vertical glazing surrounding all the area, and can be customised in three different arrangements; aft galley, main deck master stateroom forward, and or mid galley.  Beside the standard aft patio door, the Ocean 156 will have port, starboard, and forward doors on the main deck.  On the lower deck, the full beam master aft features ample storage, a vanity desk and connecting en-suite with twin basins. In a standard configuration, the lower accommodation comprises of a forward VIP and two guest cabins with an optional sliding berth cabin accommodating additional guests in comfort. There is also option for crew accommodation forward of the engine room with appliance block and worktop space for self-sufficiency. The lower deck just as the upper deck features flush level floor between all cabins. The Sunseeker Ocean 156 is to be powered by Volvo 1000hp with IPS pod propulsion and is estimated to reach top speeds up to 23 knots.

October 21, 2022

New Model: Baglietto Superfast 42

Baglietto has in June 2022 launched hull number 10236 titled m/y Rush, its first Superfast 42 model, a super yacht with semi-wide body from midship to forward designed by Francesco Paszkowski.  The Superfast 42 shares exterior looks with the Fast 42 model with the main difference coming in the engine room, powered by triple MTU 2600hp engines versus the twin set up of the Fast model. Propulsion on the Baglietto 42 Superfast is line shaft and semi-tunnels for the two side engines, and a central Voith jet drive, powered by triple Mtu 2400hp engines which give her a top speed up to 28 knots.  
Technical Data:
LOA - 41.70 m (137ft)
Beam - 8.70 m
Draft - 2.10 m
Displacement - 245,000 kg, 399 GT * volume
Fuel Capacity - 40,000 l
Water Capacity - 6,000 l
Accommodation - twelve guests in six cabins, seven crew in four cabins
Engines - 3 x MTU 16V2000 M96L 2400hp
Propulsion - line shafts with semi tunnels and central Voitth Liner jet
Speed - 28 knots max 24 knots cruise
Range - 700 nm at ten knots
Project - Francesco Paszkowski exterior, Margherita Casprini interior
Construction - aluminium hull and super structure 
Certification - RINA cross of Malta, Mach Y

October 20, 2022

Project: Van Den Hoven Voyager 56

After launching the first 61 Voyager Van den Hoven is well on track in expanding the line with the projects for a 50 Coupe, 56, 71, and 80 models.  The project of the Voyager 56 is now well underway and Van Der Hoven is also in design stages to offer a without a flybridge Coupe version.  Popular with Northern Europeans who apart cruising at sea also like inlands waterways navigation which are part of the cruising grounds of these areas.  Designed like all Voyagers by Rene van der Helden the Van den Hoven Voyager 56 has a length of just over seventeen meters and is to be built in aluminium, with this method of construction offering a custom flexibility to its layout.  In standard form the Voyager 56 has a layout with three double cabins with two shower heads lower deck with an owners stateroom at midships, and a third bunk cabin to port side.  All living is on the main deck with a galley to port side of the helm station.  Van den Hoven did not communicate any power choices to the Voyager 56 and only say that she is up to 22 knots capable.

October 19, 2022

New Model: Princess F65

During the 2022 Southampton boat show Princess have launched its awaited new F65, a replacement of the 2017 launched F62.  Designed by Pininfarina with Olesinski taking care of naval architecture the F65 is the flagship of the F for flybridge cruisers and yachts range which has characterized the British builder line up since ever, and today offers four models upwards of fourteen meters.  The F65 also completes the Pininfarina circle in this range with all the models now receiving the Pininfarina exterior design treatment.  A modern motor yacht which strikes a conservative balance with the exception of the large glazed hull window, the F65 has a main deck with an astern galley layout, dining area opposite, with one step up taking you into the lounging saloon to port side and helm station.  Down below the F65 is a four cabins layout, with a bunk fourth cabin plus two crew cabin aft.  The interior of the F65 can be finished in four wood finishes; three in different oak tonalities, or Walnut.  The Princess F65 is powered by twin Man 1200hp giving speeds up to 33 knots.  
Technical Data:
LOA - 20.30 m in pulpit (66.7ft), 20 m without pulpit
Beam - 5.10
Draft - 1.63 m
Displacement - 40,177 kg
Fuel Capacity - 4100 l
Water Capacity - 800 l
Accommodation - eight berths in four cabins, two crew in one cabin
Engines - 2 x Man V8 1200hp
Propulsion - line shaft
Speed - 33 knots max
Project - Pininfarina exterior, Olesinski naval architecture  

October 18, 2022

Michigan Storm Causes Damage to Unprepared Boats

A storm which hit Michigan and Lake Superior on Tuesday eighteen October caused some important damage to a few boats, who where not prepared for all that was announced.  A cold front touched down in Michigan on Monday seventeen and Tuesday the eighteen October, bringing record cold temperatures for this time of the year and a taste of Winter in the North USA State, while winds up to fifty knots made waves of over five meters in height on Lake Superior.  The storm also caused some 25,000 residents in Michigan to be powerless for most of Tuesday eighteen October.  
Cause of this storm some unprepared boats on Lake Superior received some extensive damage as the above ten meter Trojan F-32, or the below pictured eighties build Chris Craft 412 Amerosport.  

Project: Swan OverShadow 42

Nautor Swan continues its venture into powerboating and after launching the Shadow 42 in 2021, presents its next step with the OverShadow project.  Designed by Jarkko Jamsen and based on the same hull of the Shadow, the OverShadow 42 evolves by offering more overnight accommodation, and the choice of sterndrive inboard or outboard power.  The OverShadow interior sleeps two and also includes a separate shower-head to starboard.  The forward berth is available in two options; Twin with a V-twin berth which offers more floor space, or double offering a full double-berth.  Finishing options also exist for the interior with dark or light color schemes. The OverShadow also offers options outside from the Long Sofa or Long Wetbar choice to port side, and that of a low or high windscreen.  The Swan OverShadow is standard powered by twin Volvo 440hp with stern drive propulsion which will give a top speed up to 37 knots.

October 17, 2022

New Model: Absolute Navetta 75

During the Cannes 2022 boat show, Absolute presented its new Navetta 75 flagship model. An evolution and replacement of the Navetta 73 Absolute introduced in 2018, the Navetta 75 while looking different is based on the same hull and adds length, more glazed surfaces, and reinvents the stern layout.  Indeed like the smaller newer Absolute models, the Navetta 75 features an aft terrace cockpit with a glass rear parapet allowing undisturbed views, to the aft looking sofa. The Navetta 75 has interiors with a living-dining on the main deck, separate galley to port side, and two settee helm station forward.  A crew cabin with two cabins sleeping three is located aft, and features access to the engine room from port side.  The Navetta 75 flagship is powered by twin Volvo 1000hp and like all its smaller sisters and new Absolutes since 2013 has IPS pod propulsion.  The Absolute Navetta 75 has been well received in its first Cannes outing winning the Best Interior Design World Yacht Trophies 2022.  
Technical Data:
LOA - 22.82 m (74.9ft)
Beam - 5.61 m
Draft - 1.40 m
Displacement - 52344 kg dry
Fuel Capacity - 4000 l
Water Capacity - 1110 l
Max Persons - eighteen
Accommodation - eight guests in four cabins, two three crew in two cabins
Engines - 2 x Volvo D13 1000hp
Propulsion - Volvo forward looking IPS1350 dual propeller pod drives
Speed - 26 knots max 21 cruise *estimates
Project - Absolute Research Lab
Certification - CE B

October 16, 2022

Fairline New Web Site

Fairline one of Britain's famous pleasure boat and yacht builders presents its new World web showroom. The story of Fairline starts in 1963 when Jack Newington purchases unused gravel pits by the river Nene and transforms them into Oundle marina. Four years later to this in 1967 the first Fairline 19 feet river cruiser is produced in fiberglass. Seven years after the first boat is built the 32 Phantom is produced which is followed in 1977 by the 40, the longest ever produced Fairline in time model making eleven years of production till the final Mk.IV version. In 1981 Fairline produces another successful model with the aft cabin 36 Turbo, which will also mark the start of Bernard Olseinski as head designer and naval architect lasting till 2012.  Olesinski will for 31 years design all Fairline hull models, replaced in 2012 by Vripack. 1985 marks another important Fairline evolution with the presentation of the first generation Targa 33, a name which since the nineties represents all the sports series within the brand. After knocking on the yacht world in 1986 with the 50, in 1991 Fairline presented the 62 Squadron, a name which becomes a series for the large yachts and from 2010 will represent all the flybridge models.  In 2001 Fairline expands to a new 60,000 square foot facility fully completed two years later. In 2003 Fairline makes two important milestones; the launch of it's ten thousand boat a 65 Squadron, and the launch of the Squadron 74 flagship, which in 2007 evolved as the 78 Custom and is the largest build to date produced till 2018 for 115 units. In 2004 Fairline presents the new Gran Turismo hard top version of its Targa series, with the launch of the first generation 62. By 2012 Fairline had build over 12000 boats this number reached in 2010 with the delivery of a second generation 55 Squadron.  Fairline has over the years received various prizes; 1986 and 2008 Queens Award for Export, 2007 the Targa 38 and Squadron 68 and in 2020 the F//Line 33 win IPC Motorboat of the Year, Targa 63/65 GTO in 2017 and Targa 43/45 GTO in 2018 and Squadron 68 in 2019 win the World Yacht Trophies.  After the retirement of founder owner Sam Newington in 1996 Fairline had many owners first sold to Renwick Group, then in 2005 to 3i Investments, and 2011 to Better Capital. In the fall of 2015 Fairline goes in administration with two British resident Russians Alexander Volov and Igor Glyanenko buying it in early 2016, in 2020 RiverRock buys a majority stake, which in 2021 sells to Hannover with the Russian duo still believed to be minor share holders.  After 2016 and the new Russian ownership Fairline has been reinventing itself, first giving design duties to Italian Alessandro Mancini, and then back in 2021 returning it fully inhouse to Andy Pope who penned most of the models from 1993 to 2014.  Fairline currently offers thirteen models into four series; F-Line, Targa, Phantom, and Squadron, which start at 33 feet with the F//Line 33 introduced in 2019 and go up to the Squadron 68, with its latest model being the 2022 launched Phantom 65. Fairline's new website takes you around with the following buttons; Yachts, Find a Dealer, Latest News, Events, Destinations, Playlists, Pre-Owned, Our Story, Fairline Marina, Contact Us, Careers, Dealership Opportunities, Privacy Policy, and Terms and Conditions.  Fairline is also on social media with buttons at the bottom of the page taking you to its Linkedin, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram pages.  
Production History;
19 1967-72 (700+-)
Fury 25 1970-78
20 Family 1972-75
32 Phantom 1974-84
32 Sedan 1976-84 (157)
22 Holiday 1976-84
29 Mirage 1977-84
40 1977-83 (180 Mk.1-4)
Fury 26 1978-82
36 Turbo 1981-91 (300+-)  Bernard Olesinski design
26 Sunfury Mk.I 1982-85
21 Weekend 1985-88
31 Corniche 1985-89
40 Mk.III 1984-86 (180 Mk.1-4)
Targa 33 1984-91
24 Carrera 1985-89
40 Mk.IV 1986-88 (180 Mk.1-4),
36 Sedan 1986-90
26 Sunfury Mk.II 1986-88
50 1986-90
26 SportFury 1987-89
43 1987-92
21 Sprint 1988-91
Targa 27 1989-91
41/43 1990-91/92-93
33 Brava 1991-92
38/41 Phantom 1991-92/ 93-94
Squadron 62 1991-95 (70+-) includes 65
Targa 30/33 1991/92-96 (317) 
Targa 34/35 1991/92-94
Targa 28/31 1992-95
36 Corsica 1992-93
Squadron 56 1993-95
Squadron 47 1993-94 (40+-) includes 50
Phantom 37 1994-96
Targa 29 1994-95
Squadron 43 1994-97
Phantom 40 1995-96 (116) *includes Phantom 42
Squadron 50 1995-98 (40+-) includes 47
Squadron 59 1995-96
Targa 36 1995
Targa 29 1996-98
Targa 37 1996-99
Targa 48 1996-2000
Squadron 65 1996-2001 (70+-) includes 62
Squadron 55 1996-2004 (200+-)
Phantom 43 AC 1997-99 (15)
Phantom 42 1997-2000 (116) *includes Phantom 40
Phantom 38 1997-2002
Targa 34 1997-2006 (280)
Targa 43 1997-2005 (296)
Squadron 52 1998-2001 (20+-)
Phantom 46 1999-06
Squadron 62 1999-2002 (20+-)
Targa 30 1999-2001
Targa 40 2000-07 (299)
Targa 52 2001-04
Phantom 43 2001-06
Squadron 58 2001-08 (210)
Phantom 40 2002-07
Phantom 50 2002-08 (126)
Squadron 74 2002-07 (29)
Targa 62 Gran Turismo 2002-06
Targa 47 GT 2004-10 (200)
Targa 52 GT 2005-10
Squadron 68 2005-07 *Squadron 66 project (35+-) includes Squadron 70
Targa 38 2006-15 (313 includes GT version)
Phantom 48 2007-11
Targa 64 Gran Turismo 2007-11
Targa 44 GT 2007-12
Squadron 78 Custom 2008-18 (86)
Squadron 70 2008-12 (35+-) includes Squadron 66/68
Squadron 55 2008-10 (40+-)
Squadron 65 2009-14
Targa 58 GT 2010-11 (40+-)
Targa 44 Open 2010-13
Squadron 42 2010-15 *Squadron 41 project
Squadron 58 2011-12
Targa 50 Gran Turismo 2011-14
Targa 38 GT 2012-15 (313 includes standard open)
Squadron 50 2012-15
Targa 62 GT 2012-15
Squadron 60 2012-15
Targa 48 Open 2013-19 (200 includes Squadron, Targa GT and 50 from 2019/20 
Squadron 48 2013-19   (200 includes Targa GT, Open and 50 from 2019/20 
Targa 48 GT 2014-19 (200 includes Squadron, Targa Open and 50 from 2019/20 
Targa 53 GT 2015-20
Targa 53 Open 2016-2020
Squadron 53 2017-2020  Alberto Mancini era starts
Targa 63/65 GTO 2017- *Targa 62 GTO project 
Targa 43/45 Open 2018-
Squadron 50 2019- (200 includes Targa GT, Open and 48
Targa 50 GT 2020- (200 includes Squadron and Targa Open and 48
Targa 50 Open 2020- (200 includes Squadron and Targa GT and 48
Targa 45 GT 2020-
Squadron 68 2019-2021 *Squadron 64 project
F//Line 33 2019-
Squadron 68 second series 2021-
Phantom 65 2022- *design back in house
Squadron 58 2023-
Targa 40 2024-

October 15, 2022

New Model: Overmarine Mangusta 165 REV

The first unit of the new Overmarine Mangusta 165 REV was launched in Viareggio on 25 July 2022. The name itself, Mangusta 165 REV highlights a revolutionary design and content features this line has introduced compared to the previous Righini designed 165, an extraordinary and hugely successful model itself, as confirmed by the sale of twelve units, eight in the original version and four in the updated E for Evolution series introduced in 2014. Built in composite material at Overmarine Viareggio, the 165 Rev is the second project developed by the shipyard’s engineering, headed by engineer Nicola Onori, and design firm Lobanov following the Mangusta 104 Rev, the first unit of which was delivered last year, and currently going into its fifth hull for delivery in 2025.  Lobanov and Mangusta as the model says present quite a Revolution in the 165 Rev for the curved shearline which hides a master stateroom in the main deck, an unedited feature for all the Viareggio builders Maxiopen line which has revolutionized the segment since the nineties, and has proved a huge success for Mangusta.  The interiors of hull number one of the 165 Rev, have been designed by Overmarine’s technical department architects with the Owner’s team under the coordination of Sales Manager Nicolò Strocco. The Mangusta 165 REV’s aggressive and sporty profile conceals the huge volumes the Owner and his guests can find onboard. A case in point is the magnificent full-beam, 92 sqm master stateroom located on the main deck, featuring large, floor-to-ceiling glazed surfaces flawlessly integrated in the hull. More ceiling high windows can be found in the salon, opening up toward the stern and on the sides, where two large fold-down balconies create a smooth continuum between this room and the outdoor areas. The entire lower deck is dedicated to guests, who will find accommodation in four guest cabins and one VIP suite. At the stern, the aft door opens to reveal a beach club conceived as a fully-equipped lounge area by the sea. The tender garage is located on one side. The huge forward area will allow guests to indulge in pure relaxation, thanks to a sunbathing area, comfy sofas, and an infinity pool that blends into the sea.  The Mangusta 165 REV’s is powered by four MTU 2600hp engines coupled to Kongsberg-Kamewa waterjets to push her to a maximum speed of 34 knots, noiselessly and without the slightest vibrations. Maximum care has also been devoted to consumption, which, speed remaining equal, has been reduced by around 30% against the previous series. The Veem gyroscopic stabilizers operate both at anchor and during navigation, allowing to cruise at ten up to twelve knots in the utmost comfort and at consumptions comparable to those of equally sized displacement vessels. The next Mangusta 165 Rev hull number two is currently under construction for a Summer 2023 delivery.
Technical Data:
LOA - 49.9 m (163.9ft)
Beam - 9.2 m
Draft - 2 m
Displacement - 110,000 kg, 499 GT *volume
Fuel Capacity - 40000 l
Water Capacity - 4000 l 
Accommodation - twelve guests in six cabins, nine crew in ten cabins
Engines - 4 x MTU 16V2000M96L 2600hp
Propulsion - Kongsberg-KaMeWa water jets
Speed - 34 knots max, 30 knots cruise twelve knots long range cruise
Range - 640 nm at thirty knots
Construction - composite fiberglass with single skin hull and cored sandwich upper structure
Project - Igor Lobanov exterior, Overmarine Engineering Nicola Onori, Overmarine interior
Certitifaction - RINA or ABS class, CE A

October 14, 2022

Project: Cantiere Delle Marche RJ 155

Cantiere delle Marche is proud to announce the sale of RJ 155, a super explorer yacht to a repeat client. At 47 meters in length RJ 155 is to be the largest yacht to come so far for the Ancona based shipyard, which has become in less to a decade the first address to look in explorer super yachts from 25 to fifty meters in size.  A pure-bred explorer,  RJ 155 belongs to the fortunate RJ series of which already five units have been sold. Despite her elegant line she encompasses all characteristics of an oceangoing explorer yacht: robustness, seaworthiness, long range, generous interior areas for both guests and crew, plenty of storage spaces, fridges and freezers, high-end equipment.  With a robust steel hull and aluminium superstructure, RJ 155’s exterior lines bring the signature of Francesco Paszkowski who penned the entire series. Her interior design will be developed by Achille Salvagni who has been entrusted to design also most of the interior loose furniture. RJ 155 will be indeed a truly custom made yacht where the brilliant minds of these two multi awarded designers will prove once again Cantiere delle Marche to be the absolute leader in building the best and more beautiful Explorer vessels under 499 gross tonnage worldwide.  Her strongly sporty yet sleek appearance was achieved by Paszkowski combining the volume with proportions fluidity. The elongated overhangs of both Sun and Upper deck gives elegance to the profile while allowing the particularly large stern terraces to be almost entirely shaded so that ample veranda-like areas create a seamless connection between the interior of the yacht and its surroundings.  RJ 155 beauty doesn’t lie exclusively in aesthetics: with naval architecture by Sergio Cutolo of Hydro Tec ensuring seaworthiness, comfort and utmost efficiency. She will have a displacement of around 460 tons while the Gross Tonnage remains below 500. Stability will be granted by two couples of top performing electric stabilizers while vibrations produced by rotating machineries will be reduced drastically with the adoption of external thrust bearings.  RJ 155 is to be powered from twin 1200hp Caterpillar which will give a top speed of fifteen knots. Combined with fuel tanks of 65000 litres, RJ 155 as all expedition yachts built by Cantiere delle Marche, will have a remarkable range of above 5000 nautical miles at nine knots cruise. Spread across three decks plus a very large Sundeck, RJ 155 will accommodate up to twelve guests in five suites, four of which are on the lower deck amidships while the Owner suite is located on the main deck forward. The owners asked to have a large and super equipped gym by their apartment room. Extraordinary large outdoor areas entirely dedicated to relaxing and enjoying life en plein air are on both the main and upper deck stern section. Tenders are stored on the upper deck forward while an array of toys such as SUP, electric scooters, bikes, diving equipment are stored in the large lazarette accessed from the swimming platform, a signature feature on Marche's yachts since its beginning.  As is customary on all explorer yachts by CDM, RJ 155 will feature a textbook engine room with adjoining control room.

October 13, 2022

New Model: Tiara EX60

Tiara has in early October launched its first unit of its new EX60 flagship, in preparation for it to be presented at the upcoming 2022 Fort Lauderdale boat show.  With an overall length over eighteen meters, the new EX60 supersedes the previous 5800 Sovran as Tiara largest build to date.  The Tiara EX60 presents itself as a versatile sport yacht especially to what concerns its exterior entertainment zones, with four different options available; Alfresco, Aft Cockpit, Breakfast, and Adventure modules. These modules are options for the lower and upper two steps split exterior aft deck.  The Breakfast module for example changes the forward facing settee in the upper deck to a breakfast bar unit, while the Adventure changes the settee on the lower aft deck to a compartment with rod holders, live-well, and tackle storage.  Once inside the patio doors the Tiara EX60 features a C-shaped dinette to portside, large L-shaped galley opposite to starboard, helm station and companionway settee to starboard. A side door services the helm station to starboard, making single handed mooring more manageable.  Down below the Tiara EX60 offers a three double cabins layout, with an owners stateroom at midships served by an en-suite to starboard, a VIP forward, and a third twin berth guest cabin to starboard.  The Tiara EX60 is powered by standard twin Volvo 900hp, and or optional 1000hp with IPS pod propulsion.  Speed estimates are up to 36 knots for the standard power, with the optional engines giving an extra two knots of top speed. 
Technical Data:
LOA - 18.36 m (60.3ft)
Beam - 5.16 m
Draft - 1.22 m
Displacement - 24,200 kg dry
Fuel Capacity - 2649 l
Water Capacity - 568 l
Accommodation - six berths in three cabins
Engines - 2 x Volvo D13 900hp, optional D13 1000hp
Propulsion - Volvo forward looking dual propeller IPS pod drives
Speed - 36 knots with Volvo 900hp, 38 knots with 1000hp *estimates
Hull Shape - modified Vee with fourteen degrees deadrise aft
Construction - resin infused foam cored sides and bottom, carbon fibre reinforced, Axalta Imron paint
Certification - USCG, NMMA, CE