Bayliner presents its new World wide web showroom. Bayliner was founded in 1957 by J.Orin Edson, who came from a boat racing hobby experience and two years of running his Advanced Marine Outboard shop. The first Bayliners where plywood boats, but in 1966 the fiberglass move is made. In 1968 Bayliner has one hundred dealers in the US and Canada and moves its production locality to a previous World War Two hangar outside Washington. In 1974 feeling the rising gas prices Bayliner debuts a sailing boat line with three models named Bucaneer. 1982 Bayliner presents it first Capri model the 1600 which also comes with the Total Value Package including an 85hp outboard and a road trailer in the retail price. 1986 proves to be a super year for Bayliner first by selling a record 43,000 boats, and second for joining the Brunswick Corporation which features more then fifty dealers outside of the USA. Bayliner largest build to date was the seventeen meter 5788 Motor Yacht, as produced from 1997 up to 2002. Today Bayliner features six series; M, DX, Trophy, VR, Cuddy, and Ciera for a total of 21 models which start from M15 and go up to the Ciera 8. Bayliner new website takes you around with the following buttons; Cruising Boats, Fishing Boats, Watersports Boats, All Boats, Resources, Buyers Guide, Customer Service, and Dealer Locator. Bayliner is also on social media with side buttons taking you to its Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube pages.
Production History;
2550 Saratoga Offshore 1973-
2550 Saratoga Offshore Command Bridge 1974-
4050 Bodega 1977-82
3550 Bristol 1977-
3150 Conquest 1978-80
3270/3288 Explorer/Motor Yacht 1981/85/89-95 (3000+-)
3250 Conquest 1981-87
1950 Capri Bowrider 1982-
2070 Explorer 1982-
2850 Contessa Sunbridge/2855 Ciera Sunbridge 1983/88-89
2850 Contessa Command Bridge/2858 Ciera Command Bridge 1983-88/89
3870/3888 Motor Yacht 1983/90-94 (1000+-)
4550/4588 Pilothouse 1984/89-93
3485 Avanti Sunbridge 1987-89 *3450 project
3255 Avanti Sunbridge 1988-89 *3250 project
2955 Avanti Sunbridge 1988-90
2958 Command Bridge 1988-90 *2950 project
3785 Avanti Sunbridge 1990
4387 Aft Cabin MY 1990-93
3555 Avanti Sunbridge/Sunbridge 1990/93-94
2855 Ciera Sunbridge 1991-93
3055 Ciera Sunbridge 1991-94 *Avanti Sunbridge project
4388 Motor Yacht 1991-94
3688 Motor Yacht 1992-94
2859 Super Classic/Ciera Express 1993/96-2002
4587 Cockpit Motor Yacht 1994-95
2855 Ciera Sunbridge (ii) 1994-99
4788 Pilothouse 1994-2002
3255 Avanti Sunbridge 1995-99
3587 Motor Yacht 1995-99
3258 Command Bridge 1995-2000
3988 Motor Yacht 1995-2002
3488 Avanti Command Bridge 1996-99
3788 Motor Yacht 1996-99
3388 Motor Yacht 1996-2001
4087 Cockpit Motor Yacht 1996-2002
2858 Ciera Command Bridge/288 Classic Cruiser 1996/2003-05
4085 Avanti Sunbridge 1997-99
5788 Motor Yacht 1997-2002
3685 Avanti Sunbridge 1998-99
5288 Pilothouse 1999-2002
3055 Ciera Sunbridge/305 SB Cruiser 1999/2003-07
3788 Motor Yacht (ii) 2000-02
2855 Ciera Sunbridge/285 SB Cruiser 2000/03-12
3488 Command Bridge 2001-02
275 SB Cruiser 2005-09
325/340 SB Cruiser 2005/08-09
315 SB Cruiser 2008-12 *300 SB Cruiser project
320/335 SB Cruiser 2008/10-12