Two men where saved as a seventeen meter flybridge yacht had an onboard fire as it was cruising two miles off Porto Columbo, in the Gulf of Cagliari to the South of Sardinia on 14:30 hours of Wednesday fifth February. Following the may-day call the two 55 year old Sardinian men jumped in the water and where later picked up by the Port Captaincy CP320 boat. After this the Guardia Costiera and Vigili del Fuoco squads tended to the fire, as the yacht eventually sunk in about thirty meters of water depth. The fire was reported to have started from the engine room, as the yacht was cruising from Portoscuso to Capitana.
The yacht in this fire is a Conam 54 Chorum a project of Giuseppe Cimino, and produced from 1994 up to 2002. The Conam 54 Chorum was replaced by the 60 Wide Body, a direct evolution with an extended bathing platform and larger rounded port-hole windows. Cimino apart being the naval architect was also the founder and owner of Conam, which he founded in 1980 and sold in 2002 to the Gruppo Rodriguez, with Conam closing in 2010.