A man and woman where injured as a seven meter sport boat collided into a rocky beach near the Tower of Benaco, in the Pozzolo area of the Garda Lake, Verona at about 08:00 morning time of Wednesday fourth September 2019. Italian Carabinieri, Guardia Costiera, and Vigili dell Fuoco attended to the scene, as they where followed by a helicopter from the 118 squad, and two ambulance vehicles. The 27 year old woman in yellow code was taken to a clinic in Pederazoli, while the thirty year old man was helicopter transported to a hospital in Trento. Ultimately the cuddy cabin sport cruiser was transported to a nearby boat yard. The cause of the accident is under investigation.
The boat in this collision is an A. Mostes Venere 23.4 as produced in the late nineties. The Venere 23.4 was a replacement to the 24 Venere, and was replaced by the 25 Venere.