September 23, 2010

Improve-it = Princess V56

May be Princess listened to my plea as I wrote in my article presenting the new V56, which is an expanded V53 with high low bathing platform, that the Plymouth boat builder lost an occasion for adding new elements as presented in other fresher models in the last four years. So here comes the V56 with a two large cabins choice, which now features a full beam owners stateroom to mid ship. The full beam cabin will have an astern looking queen size double berth, en suite shower head to port, and a beauty desk to starboard. The fore cabin which in this option becomes the VIP also receives changes, having its forward double which becomes two single berths thanks to a scissor movement. The exterior lines also receive a recognizable change for this version thanks to three large vertical windows featured to both sides and located to mid ship for the owners stateroom. 

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