A flybridge cruiser of about fourteen meters in length was found partially sank in the morning of nine September in Coarle, Darsena dell' Orologio which translated to English means the Quay of the Watch. The flybridge cruiser was floated again on the morning of September 11, and according to unconfirmed reports the boat sank for a failure to a raw water tube, which takes water to the engine sea-water pump. Darsena dell'Orologio is located further North East from Venice, and is a marina which offers just short of five hundred berths.
The flybridge cruiser in this accident is a Solcio Biondi 44 Fly as designed by Dall' Abaco and produced from 1989 till the mid nineties. The Solcio Biondi 44 first released as Open and then as Fly, with a success of about thirty units being built in total, with the Fly being the more popular of the two versions. Norway's Fjord dealer Solcio collaborated with the Biondi boat yard to offer a thirteen meter cruiser.
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