Ten people died when a cliff collapsed on boaters on Lago de Furnas in Capitolio on Saturday eight January. Other 32 people where injured in the accident, with Fire Fighters, Rescue Teams, and Brazilian Navy still investigating the area for other bodies. The giant big rock collapsed from the cliff and fall on two small sized, about five meters speed boats. In a video some minutes previous to the accident showed online on social media, a lady is heard shouting to some of the boaters telling them to keep the distance from the rock as the water is angry and dangerous. According to initial reports the rock is believed to have collapsed due to the heavy incessant rain of recent days in the area.
Lago de Furnas is an artificial lake created to the North of Rio Grande in 1958 for a hydro electrical plant, and is a popular tourist attraction located some 250 miles to the North of Sao Paolo, which in weekend sees some 5000 visitors, and goes up to 30,000 in holiday season.
Our Lord, Jesus Christ, please have mercy on them and let them enter your kingdom.