March 6, 2008

Boat Show - Naples 2008 Preview

The 39th edition of the Nauticsud in Naples, Italy comes at the end of the Winter season and on the heels of the much waited Spring time. In the last five years, since Lino Ferrara took the leadership of the show, Nauticsud has concentrated its energy to renovate and increase the berthing space in Naples and all Campania region, to make and give this scenery the deserved prime position in the yachting services on offer. This years edition continues to deal with the berthing problems but also promotes the awareness regarding lack of qualified crew in the Mediterranean and the theme of an efficient after sales service. The trend shown in the Nautical sector in Italy, but also globally continues the double digit growth and the Naples show follows this trend with an expected 9% increase in visitors, estimated at around 150,000. Of the same value 9% is the increase in exhibitors, with the water display giving 10% more space featuring the renowned Italian and international builders, displaying the latest novelties from small tenders, runabouts up to big 100 feet plus superyachts. World first preview at the show is the much waited new Rizzardi 55 Incredible, having had the privilege to view this build in its construction process, this will be one of the top runners in the 17 metre open hard top category in the next seasons to come. The Nauticsud show starts Saturday 8 March and finishes on Sunday 16 March, nine days for the passionate boaters to visit an interesting show with a global display of boats and yachts.

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