January 3, 2025

Princess Yacht Ends Beached in Redhead Beach New South Wales

A sixteen meter Princess sport yacht with two woman onboard ended beached to the South of Third Creek of Red Head Beach, New South Wales, Australia, on the morning of Friday third January.  The Princess yacht is reported to have suffered engine failure during navigation and ended beached.  Both woman onboard did not have any injuries. The area where the yacht beached was cordoned by the authorities as a salvage operation was organized the following day on Saturday, after which it was towed to a nearby marina.  The Princess yacht is reported to have had minimal damage from this accident.
The Princess sport yacht in this beaching is a V53 as produced from 2005 to 2009 to a design of Bernard Olesinski.  The Princess V53 came out as a replacement to the V55 and evolved into the V56 with the addition of a larger bathing platform aft.

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