November 26, 2024

Unattended Yacht Collides Into Container Ship in Biscayne Bay Miami

A 26 meter super yacht titled m/y Waku collided with a CMA-CGM container ship as this was being towed and tug controlled in Biscayne Bay, Miami on 25 November.  Instagram Seafarer_Obscura posted the video on his channel to what looks a strange accident, for the fact that there seems to be no one on the yacht before and just after the collision.  Waku looks also to be powerless in the video clip, with its anchor fully up and current drifting as it collides bow first into the container ship starboard side, damaging its safety railing with the impact.  With the anchor fully up the first thought on what happened is that the yacht broke free from its mooring, but it is not understood as the video is cut after the collision.  If anyone has more information about this collision please send a message or leave a comment below.
M/y Waku is a Cheoy Lee 84 as designed by Tom Fexas and produced in three units in the mid noughties.  The Cheoy Lee 84 came out came as a replacement to the 81 and then evolved in the 88 model.

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